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jessica jean artist illustrator painting drawing art


This series is comprised of mainly commissions. Photo-realistic portraits are challenging and time consuming, but offer beautiful snapshots of people's lives and loved ones. Some portraits showcase important moments in people's lives, like weddings or birthdays or celebrations, and others are in memory of precious people that were lost. Portraits are precious gifts that I always enjoy giving.

Wedding Dance Party

Wedding Dance Party

$15 print | pastel pencils | 18x24in This piece was a commissioned portrait of a wedding dance by the gentleman in blue who felt this image captured his true essence and personality. I was thrilled to be able to immortalize the moment in a drawing.

Grizzly Bear Cowboy

Grizzly Bear Cowboy

SOLD | Graphite pencil | 9x12in Realistic comedy portrait of a man riding a grizzly bear!

Wedding Portrait

Wedding Portrait

SOLD | graphite pencil | 9x12in I was commissioned to draw this personal wedding portrait for these beautiful people! I’m so thankful to be able to use my artwork to give people something that they will cherish to help them remember their perfect day and make it so it lasts a lifetime.



SOLD | Graphite pencil | 9x12in Photorealistic commissioned portrait of two daughters as a gift to their mother.



SOLD | $15 print | Charcoal on masonite | 2x3ft This is my self portrait from a few years back. It has become increasingly important to me to look within, work on my mental/emotional health, and chase my dreams while working on improving myself. I wanted to create a piece showcasing that journey.

Model Study

Model Study

$150 | $15 print | charcoal | 30x22in This quick figure drawing consists of the same 2 models repeated from different angles. I chose to bring the viewer's the through the drawing fluidly by concentrating on and developing different areas of each figure as I moved around it. I love the contract of the quick, imperfect sketching and the higher contrast, more developed realism in this piece.

Piano Man

Piano Man

$250 | $15 print | Charcoal on paper | 18x24in I drew this portrait of a football player playing the piano. I like how it represents the emotional and physical sides of his talents.



graphite pencil | 8.5x11in Graphite portrait of a friend of mine. The goal of this piece was to capture the emotion behind the smile.



Graphite pencil | 9x12in This portrait was commissioned by a granddaughter in memory of a grandmother who had recently passed away as a gift to her mother in loving memory.

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